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Kent Fundraising Walk 2023

Happy Child International’s Kent Fundraising Walk on Saturday 1st July 2023. 


Raise funds for a good cause.

Come and join us for the Happy Child International’s Kent Fundraising walk. 


The Group will meet at the National Trust Car Park (Toy's Hill Road TN16 1QG). This is a 12 mile circular walk and will pass through Crockham Hill, Westerham Village and Chartwell aiming to finish at 4.30pm. 

* No entry fee is required as we will be using those facilities open to the general public.  Please note there will not be sufficient time available to visit the formal gardens of Chartwell House.  PARKING at Toys Hill is free.


Please bring a packed lunch and drinking water and WEAR appropriate walking shoes/gear.  We advise you to bring plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, waterproofs and sun cream.



Walking is easy for most people, really good for you and a fun thing to do. Walking boosts your mood, exercises your heart, and provides all the benefits of fresh air and a healthy dose of vitamin D. What’s not

to love?

This year the funds raised will go towards the Mentoring and Skills Training Project run by one of our church based partners Instituto Solidare. It provides vulnerable, young people (16-18 year olds) from fragile communities, in Recife, north east Brazil with the vital skills they need to enter the job market. The project

is making a life-changing difference by enabling young people to have a better future and lift their families out of poverty.

How can you get involved?

If you and your friends and family would like to join us on the walk, these are the ways that you can raise funds for our important work.
Encourage your friends and family to do the walk with you and raise additional sponsorship support.
Make a donation to Happy Child International by clicking .

OR click here to set up your own bespoke digital fundraising page with Just Giving
Make a donation directly to the Happy Child International bank account  -
sort code 40 27 07  account
number 81465504


Walkers can meet at Toy'S Hill Car Park at 9.15 am.


The walk will finish at Toys Hill Car Park around 4.30 pm

You will have fun, enjoy the company of others and be supporting a great cause.  For full walk schedule please click here. 


Alternatively, get in touch with John Doddrell on 07808129779 or



Are you not free on Saturday July 1th? Do you live elsewhere?

If you are not free on Saturday 1th July perhaps you could organise your own sponsored

walk in aid of Happy Child International on a different day or location. 

Send us a message if you would like to know more about the walk

Thanks for submitting!

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