The discussion about the dangers of technology in Brazil has gained increasing prominence. Trusted research shows that Brazilians spend an average of 56% of the day in front of screens. Perhaps young people at times can over engage with their computer screens and phones? In 2018, the World Health Organization included video game addiction as a disease classified in the International Code of Diseases.
However, young people from low income families attending Project Tamandaré have hugely benefitted from their recent IT programme. Ana Cecília, 17 years old, and Camila Gabriele, 18 years old, make a point of sharing the positivity that tech education has offered them. Ana Cecília begins the conversation by saying: “To tell you the truth, 3 reasons led me to enrole with the programme. The first was that I found the subject interesting, then it was the fact that it was free and lastly I really missed attending Project Tamandare. Previously their investment in my life really helped me access the extra educational support I needed during my school years”
Ana Cecília comments that the IT programme not only helped her learn about basic computer programming but that it really improved her personal confidence and social skills. “Before the project I couldn't even talk to people properly. I felt very nervous. Today my confidence has improved a lot, now I can even present my school work to my peer group. This is such an achievement for me” Camila Gabriele is keen to confirm that the same changes happened in her life: She says “I feel like I can speak and express myself so much more competently now”.

On completing the programme Camila Gabriele tells us. “Today I use IT for my further studies and for work. Mateus, the course coordinator has employed me at his marketing agency BM Solutions to assist with social media. . I’m very happy and being in employment has really boosted my personal confidence and given me an income”
These girls show that learning together builds personal confidence and opens up opportunities, not only empowering the young girls but also making a difference to their families. Extra income to a low income household like Camila Gabriele’s can really ease the pressure of day to day living and help provide enough resources to meet basic daily needs.
Happy Child International reiterates the importance of providing skills training and opportunities through its partner projects in the Northeast of Brazil. It is essential that young people like Ana Cecília and Camila Gabriele can continue to receive relevant and appropriate skills training in the future.
Written by Eduarda Teixeira